Motivated by the increasing popularity and importance of large-scale training under differential privacy (DP) constraints, we study distributed gradient methods with gradient clipping, i.e., clipping applied to the gradients computed from local information at the nodes. While gradient clipping is an essential tool for injecting formal DP guarantees into gradient-based methods [Abadi et al., 2016], it also induces bias which causes serious convergence issues specific to the distributed setting. Inspired by recent progress in the error-feedback literature which is focused on taming the bias/error introduced by communication compression operators such as Top-k [Richtárik et al., 2021], and mathematical similarities between the clipping operator and contractive compression operators, we design Clip21 -- the first provably effective and practically useful error feedback mechanism for distributed methods with gradient clipping. We prove that our method converges at the same ${\tiny \mathcal{O}(1/K)}$ rate as distributed gradient descent in the smooth nonconvex regime, which improves the previous best ${\tiny \mathcal{O}(1/\sqrt{K})}$ rate which was obtained under significantly stronger assumptions. Our method converges significantly faster in practice than competing methods.