

PhD Candidate in Computer Science

UniBas, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Oct. 2023 – Present Basel, Switzerland
Supervisor: Aurelien Lucchi

Master of Science in Data Science

IP Paris, Department of Applied Mathematics

Sept. 2021 – Aug. 2023 GPA 17.65/20 Palaiseau, France
Thesis: Unified Analysis of Asynchronous Algorithms
Thesis Supervisor: Mher Safaryan, Dan Alistarh

Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and Physics

MIPT, Phystech School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics

Sept. 2017 – Jul. 2021 GPA 4.95/5 (9.27/10)Dolgoprudny, Russia
Thesis: Distributed Second Order Methods with Fast Rates and Compressed Communication
Thesis Supervisor: Peter Richtárik

Recent Posts

New paper on decentralized training with contractive compressed communication. We achieve near-optimal convergence guarantees using Error Feedback and momentum tracking.

I attended KAUST Rising Stars in AI Symposium organized by KAUST AI Initiatve. As a part of the symposium, I gave a talk on AsGrad project.

I am thrilled to announce that AsGrad paper has been accepted to AISTATS 2024. In this paper we propose a unified framework to analyze asynchronous SGD-type algorithms covering many existing versions.

I am happy to announce that Econtrol paper has been accepted to ICLR 2024. In this paper we develop new Error Feedback mechanism to properly handle the bias coming from the compression and noise of stochastic gradients.

New paper on Error Feedback is now on arXiv. We developed new method, EControl, which provably handles two sources of noise – stochastic gradients and error from contractive compression – in all standard regimes. Moreover, in all settings the convergence improves with the number of clients participating in the training.

I have participated in NTDS workshop where the members of University of Basel and close collaborators have given talks on various subjects. In particular, I have given a talk on Newton-3PC project which has recently been accepted to Transactions on Machine Learning Research.
